Founders: Frantz “Face” Farnolle, Michelle Cadore, and Tyler Jordan
Hello and Welcome!
As Brooklyn natives and independent creatives ourselves, we understand firsthand how difficult it is for creatives of color to gain brand visibility and access to econmic opportunities. We also value the importance of community and we believe you get further by working together. Through the Black Creatives and Culture MKT, we have expanded upon our mission at DA SPOT NYC to create more space and opportunities to elevate local artists and entreprenuers. Our ongoing mission is to create space to amplify the voices of creatives of color by providing them with brand visibility, access to business resources, economic opportunities, and fostering a collaborative and creative community.The goal is to create an empowering and inspiring atmosphere celebrating Black Culture at City Point through highlighting the amazing work of Black creatives in New York City.
For more information about DA SPOT NYC contact us at